Budget Committee
Chair: Stephanie Bishop Email: sbishop@limerickme.org (Term expires 2027)
Secretary: Janet Robinson Email: jrobinson@limerickme.org (Term expires 2025)
Vice Chair: Cynthia Mullis - Email: cmullis@limerickme.org
(Term expires 2025)
Lori Harmon - Email: lharmon@limerickme.org
)Term Expires 2026)
David Coleman: Email: dcoleman@limerickme.org
(Term Expires 2027)
Wendy Thorne: Appointed Liaison to Selectboard
The Budget Committee was established in 2011 pursuant to 30-A M.R.S.A. Section 3001 for the Town of Limerick, ME.
The town ordinance states that the Budget Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
a) To accept testimony, review financial data and make monetary recommendation on the annual budget (Expenditures and Income) as submitted by the Elected Officials, Department Heads and Non-Municipal Agencies.
b) To accept testimony, review financial data and make monetary recommendations on capital expenditures as submitted by Elected Officials and Department heads.
c) To accept testimony, review financial data and make monetary recommendations regarding supplemental appropriations and expenditures and other budgetary action whenever proposed by the Elected Officials.
d) To make such other recommendations on fiscal matters as it may from time to time deem advisable.
The Committee's authority shall be advisory only.