Handicap Accessibility & Revitalization Committee (HARC)
Joanne Andrews
Sean Carroll
Martha Hamilton-Smith
Gail Libby
On Monday, December 9, 2024 a full Audit of the Hollandville Project was completed by an EPA auditor. No negative findings were reported.
On Thursday December 11, 2024 The Town of Limerick received $1 million dollars for the HOLLANDVILLE PROJECT. That same day the Bridge Loan was paid in full at Partners Bank. This completes the Hollandville Project. Thank you to everyone involved with this project and for the financial support of Limerick citizens!
FUNDING for Hollandville Project included:
$1,000,000 EPA Grant
$500,000 Community Development Block Grant
$125,000 ARPA Funds
BALLOT Article 9 Nov. 7, 2023
To see if the Town will vote to establish an account called Deepvale Capital Project Account and transfer the unexpended balance from the Holland Ville Capital Project Account into the account to include water and sewer projects for Emery Corner Road and Central Avenue. Note: This warrant article requires no new funding.Select Board Recommends: Yes Budget Committee Recommends: Yes
On Nov 7, 2023 the citizens of Limerick voted to establish the Deepvale Capital Project and move any residual funds from the Hollandville Capital Project into the account. Results above.